A Gnawing Problem... Chafe
In Ft. Lauderdale's Middle River, back when anchoring overnight was allowed, we pulled in and anchored. There was a sizeable...
Cordage: How Much Do You Really Need Aboard?
You're planning to go cruisin'; ever wondered if you had enough cordage¾rope¾onboard? Granted, the answer depends on where you'll cruise...
Anchorages on Delaware Bay and C&D Canal
Navigating the Delaware Bay and C&D Canal presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for cruisers. The 350-nautical mile...
Good Windlass Habits
Even if you don't anchor often, there will still be times when you may need to depend on your windlass....
Loads on Ground Tackle
Load tables are extremely useful; that's where you find the information on how strong to make your ground tackle−anchors, rope,...
Exploring the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay: Pocomoke River to Kiptopeke
Heading northbound or southbound on the Chesapeake Bay opens up numerous opportunities for discovery on its western and eastern shores....
Reference Materials for Boaters & Cruisers
A cruising adventure requires not just skill and experience but also a solid foundation of knowledge. From navigating the intricate...
Cruising Guide for Beaufort, NC: Navigating Marinas, Anchorages & Inlets
Nestled in the heart of North Carolina, Beaufort (pronounced "BO-fort") stands as a testament to its rich nautical history and...
Top Tips For First-Time Cruisers According to Cruisers
We recently polled our Waterway Guide Facebook Community of cruisers to share what they considered to be the best tips...
An Excerpt from Bahamas Land & Sea: The Biminis
Perched on the edge of the Gulf Stream, Bimini consists primarily of two very closely spaced islands that are separated...
Waterway Guide Collaborates with Addison Chan for Bahamas Digital Guide
Waterway Guide is thrilled to announce the release of Waterway Guide Bahamas Land and Sea, a comprehensive digital cruising guide...
Basic Knowledge for Cruising the ICW: Part 1
Bob Sherer, known as Bob423, has devoted a dedicated chapter in his ICW Cruising Guide to essential insights and practical...
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