Reviews: Loggerhead Marina - Fish-Tale Marina
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Loggerhead Marina - Fish-Tale Marina
Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931
Gulf 0f Mexico 59A

- Lat / Lon: N 26° 24.816' / W 081° 53.922'
- Hours: 8am-5pm Daily except Christmas Day
- VHF Monitored: 77
- Phone: (813) 295-4387
- Fax: (239) 463-8992
- Email:
- Website:
Review for Loggerhead Marina - Fish-Tale Marina
Reviewed by:
John Tyrell on Feb 2, 2022
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 39'
Draft: 3.7'Rating:
Great location. Plenty of nearby restaurants and shops and on the trolley route. Approach from the south through Big Carlos Pass. Nice floating docks; self-serve at dock pumpout. They don't seem to have many transients being mainly dry-dock boats. Well protected from wind by condos. When I made the reservation, I was told to call on channel 77 but we got no answer. I phoned them and got directions to a T-head. The dock hand that met us was incompetent, making what should have been a simple docking complicated yet thankfully uneventful. We asked about electric and he motioned to a box as he walked off to resume moving boats with a fork lift. Well, the pedestal only had 30 amp and we need 50 amp and had been assured when I made the reservation that 50 amp was no issue. I called the office and after about 10 minutes, two other deckhands came down. After they checked that indeed there was no 50 amp, they checked with someone about a splitter which they couldn't seem to find. I offered to move to another slip that had 50 amp which is what we eventually did. We were tucked in the back part of the marina - not particularly scenic but well protected and surrounded by condos. There seem to be very few transients (we may have been the only ones). The other people at the dock were friendly and one even offered to drive us to West Marine to buy a splitter.
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Review for Loggerhead Marina - Fish-Tale Marina
Reviewed by:
Karl Hamilton , Lady Tug, on Sep 13, 2019
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 42'
Draft: 4.0'Rating:
I have visited and gone fishing from here. They are really nice people, I was disappointed that the crew let people keep fish that I considered too small were depleting the food inshore for other fish. Facilities are nice, Pinchers Rest. walking distance and kids eat free. (Crab dip to die for!!) Fun to visit in afternoon when fishing fleet comes in.
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