Boat speeds across beach, crashes into restaurant
Date Posted: February 26, 2015
Source: WG Staff

Boat-Crashes-Into-Restaurant.jpgWhen a prudent skipper encounters dense fog, he or she keeps a keen watch, carefully monitors the chartplotter, radar and AIS, and listens for sound signals and other boat's motors – and doesn't cruise at 50 miles-per-hour!

How fast was this "well-known charter boat captain" throttling through the fog on Tampa Bay Monday afternoon? No one knows for sure, but it was fast enough to propel the 39-foot, four-engine speedster across an estimated 90 feet of beach and through an exterior wall of the Sunset Grill at Little Harbor, leaving half the boat in the dining room, according to reports.

With seven people on the boat, kids running around the beach, and patrons within inches of where the boat became lodged, witnesses were amazed that people were not killed in the incident. In fact, only one injury was reported – a passenger was taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

Officials say that alcohol was not a factor, but dense fog was. Just my opinion here, but I don't think one can blame the fog when the boat was traveling at that high a speed. The captain has been cited for reckless operation according to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission – a matter of inches and he might have been facing manslaughter charges.

Important message posted on the Sunset Grill at Little Harbor Facebook Page: "Just for future reference, we do not have a drive-through for boats, please use the pier and tie your boat up then walk to the tiki bar." The restaurant hopes the Tiki Bar and Lounge will be back in operation today or tomorrow, although the now-roofless dining room will need some reconstruction.

Here are some links to various reports, many with photos and/or video interviews with witnesses:



Comment Submitted by Tony Tolentino - March 2, 2015
As a charter Boat Captain here on Cape Cod, I cannot understand a captain operating a boat in fog at that speed. Cape Cod has a lot of fog in the summer. In fact, about 30% of our trips are in dense fog. I can't ever remember operating my boat at more that 12 knots in these conditions. He had to be impaired!!
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