Mark Ervin (Fuhrmann), a 65-year-old Canadian, is in the midst of an extraordinary solo kayaking expedition covering a distance of 5,533 miles along The Great Loop, which he began on June 1, 2022, from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mark's adventure is not just a personal accomplishment but a significant mission to promote the idea that positive change is possible through strong local communities.
Mark's strong belief in building robust local communities is a driving force behind his journey. On his website, Mark emphasizes that every individual and company plays an essential role in developing caring, responsible, and robust local communities.
Mark's journey is also a platform for raising funds for two noble causes that are close to his heart: Doctors Without Borders, which he supports in honor of his late wife, who was an orthopedic surgeon, and Captains Without Borders, in recognition of his professional career providing communication services to the maritime industry.
Along the way, Mark has been relying on the kindness of strangers who have been providing him with food, shelter, and support. His journey has shown that the world is full of kind and generous people who are willing to help others.
Currently, Mark is on his way to Cape May, New Jersey, and you can follow his live tracking. You can also learn more about Mark and his journey, including his video blog, at
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