2023 Bahamas Charter Yacht Show Announcement
Date Posted: October 24, 2022
Source: Association of Bahamas Marinas (ABM)

The Association of Bahamas Marinas (ABM), in conjunction with the International Yacht Brokers Association (IYBA), and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, is proud to announce the 2023 Bahamas Charter Yacht Show (BCYS), to be held in Nassau, Bahamas on February 23rd – 26th, 2023. 

The 2023 Bahamas Charter Yacht Show will be one of the top international charter shows in the world, and bring together charter yachts, charter yacht brokers & managers, Bahamian marinas, marine & yacht trade companies.  Yacht charter has increased greatly in The Bahamas in the last ten years, and now plays an integral part in The Bahamas' boating and yachting tourism, providing millions of dollars to the nation's treasury in terms of charter fees, and millions directly into the Bahamian economy through direct expenditures. 

The goal of the BCYS is to (1) allow charter yachts that charter in the islands of The Bahamas to showcase their yachts and crew to charter brokers and charter managers from around the world, (2) allow marinas and resort properties from around The Bahamas to showcase their individual locations, and (3) allow local Bahamian companies that cater to and benefit from yachts being in The Bahamas, to showcase their products and services directly to the yachts and charter brokers. 

This year's show is based primarily in downtown Nassau and will include the following marinas and properties:  

  • Baystreet Marina 
  • Atlantis Resort & Marina 
  • Hurricane Hole Superyacht Marina
  • Nassau Yacht Haven Marina
  • The Pointe Marina
  • Margaritaville Beach Resort & Marina Nassau

In addition, ABM marinas from throughout The Bahamas will be on hand sharing what makes their Out Island destinations perfect for yacht charters. 

The Bahamas Charter Yacht Show is comprised of a partnership with the Association of Bahamas Marinas, The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation, and the International Yacht Brokers Association (IYBA).  The 2023 Bahamas Charter Yacht Show is chaired by Joe

Dargavage, Managing Partner of the Romora Bay Resort & Marina and President of the Association of Bahamas Marinas, Ms. Erika Feszt, Assistant Manager and Peter Maury, General Manager of Baystreet Marina, and Ms. Laura Garcia, Partner at United Island & Yacht. 

For all information, visit https://bahamascharteryachtshow.com.   

Contact: Erika Feszt Co-Chair, erika@baystreetmarina.com Cell: (242) 447-9617 or Office: (242) 676-7000 

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