After the lightning strike, any other man would've quit.
But smart money could never bet against Tim Prophit of St. Clair Shores.
"If you want me to do something, tell me I can't do it," he said. "I'll say ... 'watch me.' "
On June 29, lightning damaged four sailboats at Bayview Yacht Club in Detroit. The act of God caused $26,000 in damage on Prophit's Fast Tango and an impossible challenge.
It wasn't about the money. It was about the time.
Prophit, a 62-year-old marketing consultant, needed to rebuild the boat immediately. He had to make a 92-hour trip on the water to get his sailboat from Detroit to Chicago for the 112th annual Chicago to Mackinac Island Race by July 17.
Boat parts couldn't be ordered and installed in time. Insurance payments took too long.
Prophit had 12 days to accomplish what needed to be done.