Three Boating Experts Launch an Online Learning Platform for Boat Systems & Electrics
Date Posted: June 28, 2021
Source: Staff Report

Three renowned experts on boat systems have created a brand-new online learning platform for boating amateurs and professionals who want to learn how to install, maintain and fix things the right way. The first comprehensive course on marine DC systems launches on June 30, 2021 at

Faulty electrical systems are the number one cause of problems on boats and one of the leading causes of boat fires.

Meanwhile, boat electrics become more complex every year, but reliable information on electrical installations is rare. The internet is full of bad advice and potentially dangerous tutorials, and much of the freely available information relates to home electrics, which is very different from boat electrical systems.

It does not have to be like this. Boat electrics are not rocket science!

The three founders of BoatHowTo are experienced professionals who have joined forces in the creation of this online learning platform for everything technical on boats:

  • Nigel Calder is THE internationally known guru for boat electrics and mechanics and author of the famous "Boatowners Mechanical and Electrical Manual"
  • Michael Herrmann is the leading specialist for boat systems in Germany, praised for his many books and technical articles on boat systems
  • Jan Athenstädt is the founder of a technical online magazine on boats and holds a PhD in computer science

The mission of BoatHowTo is to be the most dependable source of technical knowledge for sailors and boaters around the world. The goal of the online courses and articles is to enable boaters to enjoy trouble-free boating, and to solve both common and not so common technical problems on their boats.

BoatHowTo’s first release – the online course Boat Electrics 101 – provides a comprehensive understanding of DC systems on boats. The course begins with basic electrical circuits and works up in logical steps to increasingly technical subjects. Through 56 lessons and hours of video recordings, Boat Electrics 101 covers all the know-how necessary to safely install and successfully repair marine DC systems. Students learn how to correctly add to or modify an existing system as well as the complete design process for (re-)wiring a boat.

Nigel and Michael are long time members of the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) in the USA and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Europe, the two bodies that govern the installation of electrical systems on recreational boats. All lessons comply with the latest editions of the relevant standards.

The lessons are accessible to beginners with a commitment to learning. The advanced lessons contain valuable information for professionals. The course, coming with additional bonus material and unlimited access, is currently offered at an introductory price of US$199. It is available at

For additional information, please contact the three founders of BoatHowTo at

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