ICW Cruising Guide by Bob423 - Mobile App

NOTE: This is a 12-month automatically renewing subscription to the guide content inside the Waterway Guide Mobile App.

For your coming adventure on the ICW, it's good to know what's ahead as you plan your trip, and Bob423 hopes to lend you a hand in doing just that with this guide. After all, his motto is, "I make all the mistakes first, so you don't have to!" Updates on the depths through shallow areas are from the Bob423 Surveyors and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  Just follow the Bob423 tracks, allowing for tides as needed by your keel, and you should be fine. If there are changes along the way, the nearby Waterway Guide Alert shown in Aqua Map will have current details. Bob wishes he could guarantee the tracks forever, but the ICW still has a few surprises in store for us all, so stay abreast of current trouble spots with the Waterway Guide Alerts and the ICW Cruising Guide Facebook page.

  • Chapters 1 – 3: Cover getting your house and boat ready for the trip south and your affairs in order for an extended stay away from your land home. 
  • Chapter 4: Cooking on the ICW – What's needed and what works?
  • Chapter 5: Staying informed – What apps and sources are most useful?
  • Chapter 6: Basic Knowledge of the ICW – The fundamentals for those new to the ICW
  • Chapter 7: ICW University – Going beyond the basics for cruisers of all experience levels
  • Chapter 8: How to ICW-Proof Your Engine by Max Parker of Zimmerman Marine – Long distances at slow speeds are not best for your engine; how to compensate?
  • Chapter 9: Introduction to Weather Apps by Bob423 – Some forecast better than others
  • Chapter 10: ICW Navigation Requires New Skills – A must-read before you start your ICW adventure
  • Chapter 11: Provides charts of shoaling areas by mile marker and shows how to avoid grounding. Also included are the anchorages and marinas conveniently spaced for traveling south. Not every marina or every anchorage is covered since there are many other books for that, most notably, the Waterway Guide Series of guidebooks. According to Bob, "I wanted to focus on the places I found the most convenient, and in the case of anchorages, those with shore access for pet relief and spaced at convenient stopping points."

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