Reviews: Port Credit Harbour Marina
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Port Credit Harbour Marina
Mississauga, ON L5G 4N1
- Lat / Lon: N 43° 33.039' / W 079° 34.850'
- Phone: (905) 274-5212
- Website:
Review for Port Credit Harbour Marina
Reviewed by:
Randall Macdonald on May 15, 2023
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 36'
Draft: 3.0'Rating:
I had been a boater at PCHM since 2002 but sold my boat in 2019 during the start of the "health difficulties" we all had to go through. Back in 2002, PCHM was the crown jewel of Lake Ontario's north shore. The largest, at the time. Today, it's a dangerous, unfriendly, and dirty environment for boaters. Many of the docks have sunk and have never been replaced. My dock, P dock, was cut in half to keep it from sinking completely. As people have reported here, Wayne refuses any boats that aren't new. And, he yelled at one poor fellow trying to get a lift out the check a prop shaft. Do your homework if you need a boat slip. Come look at the area, the rotting docks, the fire hazards, and poor sanitary conditions everywhere. The boaters are awesome people and always friendly. They are boaters, that's why. And, the staff that runs the marina are great, friendly, and very hard working people. But the manager of the place is charging premium rates for a disaster waiting to happen. (This has happened several times already.) Fortunately, the marina will be shut down in a couple years when the lease runs out. Then, hopefully, someone competent will create another crown jewel for Mississauga.
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