Reviews: Daufuskie Landing

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Daufuskie Landing

AIWW 570.5

  • Lat / Lon: N 32° 06.351' / W 080° 53.643'


3.50 out of 5 stars

  • Review for Daufuskie Landing

    Reviewed by: Capt Maria Langer, Do It Now, on Nov 25, 2023
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 32'
    Draft: 2.5'


    We came to this dock right after sunrise after spending the night at a nearby anchorage. The weather was rough and we needed to get our dogs on shore for relief. Although there's supposedly no overnight dockage, a sailboat was parked in the middle of one of the docks, leaving very little space in front or behind it. It had definitely been there overnight and no one was in sight. This forced us to park at the boat ramp dock, which was in shallower water. There was a fierce current, but we tied up safely. The docks were in good condition. There was no one around at all. The restaurant was closed. We walked my pups around, reboarded, and departed. I suppose this could be a good day dock stop, but I can't imagine it accommodating more than two boats.

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  • Review for Daufuskie Landing

    Reviewed by: Xiaolun Sun, Anodyne , on Dec 16, 2022
    Vessel Type: Sail
    LOA: 32'
    Draft: 4.5'


    Very nice floating dock. Walked to the unusual Bloody Point Lighthouse and the tiny Silver Dew Winery. An interesting visit. Wish they allowed overnight stay in low season as we were the only boat around.

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  • Review for Daufuskie Landing

    Reviewed by: Michael Grogan, Shining Light, on Nov 1, 2022
    Vessel Type: Sail
    LOA: 25'
    Draft: 3.0'


    Visited Daufuskie Island late October 2022 via county dock (which is a perfectly adequate floating dock). If one has an adventurous spirit, and an open mind, this island can make for quite an enjoyable excursion. Very friendly locals. Highly recommend School Grounds Coffee!

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  • Review for Daufuskie Landing

    Reviewed by: Capt Dave, Knot Fast, on Apr 7, 2021
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 37'
    Draft: 3.0'


    3 hour limit, no overnight. Rough side-to dock, due to ICW wakes and fetch.
    There is a golf cart rental desk under a tree, but it was unattended. We walked a mile but there was nothing to see near this dock.

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