Reviews from Adam (1)
Marina Review for Cayo Costa State Park - Beach Open, Rebuilding Docks and Overnight Accommodations
Reviewed by:
Adam , Lucky J, on Nov 25, 2023
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 30'
Draft: 5.0'Rating:
We anchored in Pelican Bay and rowed our dinghy into the landing area and were greeted by an orange piece of construction fence and several signs saying "No Terspassing". I saw several people congregating by the concession area and approached them to ask some questions about the signage of the park being closed and no tresspassing. I was approached by a park staff member and asked when the park/restrooms/beach would be open. She explained that the beach and west side restrooms were open and everything on the east side of the island was closed. I asked if I could walk across the island to use the open restroom/ beach area and the answer was no, I could only access the area from the west side of the island. So be aware of this if you have a rowing dinghy and anchoring in Pelican Bay. You are not being allowed to transit the island on foot.
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