Emerald Harbor Marina



+1 (731) 217-6649

Panama City, FL | N 30° 09.264' / W 085° 38.251'

407 Maple Ave

Panama City, FL 32401

Body of Water

Watson Bayou

Location Reference Point

St. Andrew Bay Buoy 25

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Emerald Harbor Marina

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The "kitchen" on a cruising boat is referred to as the .
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 100 ft.
Transient Slips: 6
Dock Type: Fixed

Dock Rates

Call for Current Rates.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change


30 Amps: Yes



Water: Yes
Phone: No
Cable: No
WiFi: Yes
Pumpout: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: No
Laundry: Yes
Pool: No
Internet Access: No
Ice: No
Ship Store: No
Snacks: No
Grills: No
Security: No
Meeting Facilities: No
Yacht Brokerage: No
Pet Friendly: No


Open to the public on a first-come first-serve basis. 

Well protected and deep into Watson Bayou, just off the ICW at lighted green marker 25, this newly rebuilt marina will be fully online by early 2022.  With six dedicated transient slips we can safely dock vessels up to 100' with plenty of power, water and a pump out at every slip.