Everglades Rod & Gun Club



+1 (239) 695-2101


7am to 9pm


Monitored: 16

Everglades City, FL | N 25° 51.510' / W 081° 23.250'

200 Riverside Drive

Everglades City, FL 34139

Body of Water

Baron River, Everglades

Suggest Edits

Marina Login

Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Everglades Rod & Gun Club

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
A is a magnetic device that shows which direction the boat is pointing.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 100 ft.
Total Slips: 17
Transient Slips: 17
Dock Type: Fixed
Approach / Dockside Depth: 5.5 / 6.0 ft.
Tide Range: 2.0 ft.

Dock Rates

Call for current rates and availability.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Payment Methods: CASH


15 Amps: No
20 Amps: No
30 Amps: No
50 Amps: Yes
100 Amps: No
200+ Amps: No
110 Volts: Yes
220 Volts: Yes
480 Volts: No
Metered Electric: No



Water: No
Phone: No
Cable: No
WiFi: No
Pumpout: No
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Pool: Yes
Internet Access: Yes
Ice: Yes
Ship Store: No
Snacks: Yes
Grills: No
Security: No
Meeting Facilities: No
Yacht Brokerage: No
Pet Friendly: No
Grocery: offsite ; 0.25 miles
Restaurant: onsite
Hotel: onsite


From Capri Pass head south/southwest to R'16' south of Cape Romano Shoals (approximately 21.8 statute miles) and then head 54 degrees magnetic for 14.5 statute miles to Indian Pass. Follow the channel at Indian Pass for approximately 5.8 statute miles to Chokoloskee Bay. Head northeast following the channel to the Barron River. The marina will be on your starboard side as you move up the river.

There is a minimum of six feet of water in the channel and 4 to 6 feet at the docks. Docking at this well sheltered marina is alongside. There is a two foot tide in the river. This marina can accommodate vessels up to 100 feet. Call ahead for reservations or pull into the docks and check in at the front desk.