Bird Key Yacht Club



+1 (941) 953-4455


8am - 4pm


Monitored: 16

Sarasota, FL | N 27° 19.264' / W 082° 33.634'

301 Bird Key Drive

Sarasota, FL 34236

Body of Water

Big Sarasota Pass

General Manager

Tammy Hackney


Kendall Mogus

Management Company

Not Applicable - Private Club

Suggest Edits

Marina Login

Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Bird Key Yacht Club

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
The "bathroom" on a cruising boat is referred to as the .
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 50 ft.
Total Slips: 42
Dock Type: Fixed
Approach / Dockside Depth: 12.0 / 8.0 ft.

Dock Rates

Must have pre-established reciprocity. Limit 14 day stay. FCYC rates discounted.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Daily: $2.55 per ft.


Diesel Price


Gas Price

87 Octane: Call for pricing
89 Octane: Call for pricing
90 Octane: Call for pricing
91 Octane: Call for pricing
92 Octane: Call for pricing
93 Octane: Call for pricing
94+ Octane: Call for pricing
Non-Ethanol: Yes
ValvTect: Diesel


Other: Bird Key Yacht Club Members have a discount
Comments: Not reporting fuel prices Members and accredited guests ONLY/closed Sunday and Tuesday
Last Fuel Update: 01/05/22


15 Amps: No
20 Amps: No
30 Amps: Yes ; $8.00 per day ; $40.00 per month
50 Amps: Yes ; $10.00 per day ; $81.00 per month
100 Amps: No
200+ Amps: No
110 Volts: Yes
220 Volts: Yes
480 Volts: No
Metered Electric: No



Water: Yes ; pay
Phone: No
Cable: Yes ; pay
WiFi: Yes ; pay
Pumpout: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Pool: No
Internet Access: Yes
Ice: Yes
Ship Store: Yes
Snacks: Yes
Grills: No
Security: No
Meeting Facilities: Yes
Yacht Brokerage: No
Pet Friendly: Yes
ATM/Bank: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Post Office: offsite ; 3.00 miles
FedEx / UPS: onsite
Dry Cleaner: offsite ; 3.00 miles
Grocery: offsite ; 3.00 miles
Restaurant: onsite
Shopping: offsite ; 2.00 miles
Liquor store: offsite ; 3.00 miles
Pharmacy: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Marine Store: onsite
Hardware: offsite ; 3.00 miles
Airport: offsite ; 8.00 miles
Car Rental: offsite ; 8.00 miles
Town: offsite
Hospital: offsite ; 3.00 miles
Doctor: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Beach: offsite ; 1.50 miles
Fitness Center: onsite
Golf: offsite ; 5.00 miles
Tennis: onsite


Bird Key Yacht Club is a Private Club. Florida Clubs must belong to the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs for reciprocal privileges. Out of State or International Yacht Clubs should pre-arrange reciprocity by contacting the club for a 14 day Guest Pass.