Shipyard Marina



+1 (850) 880-2324


7:30-5:30 Monday through Sunday

Freeport, FL | N 30° 29.373' / W 086° 08.233'

116 Shipyard Rd

Freeport, FL 32439


Nick Brendlinger

Dockmaster - 850-866-3865

Robert Meadows

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Marina Login

Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Shipyard Marina

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
Starboard is the side of the boat when facing forward.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 40 ft.

Dock Rates

No Transients. Monthly or annual storage

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Payment Methods: VISA / MasterCard / Discover / AMEX


Diesel Price

$3.910, tax not included

Gas Price

87 Octane: Call for pricing
89 Octane: $4.490, tax not included (%)
90 Octane: Call for pricing
91 Octane: Call for pricing
92 Octane: Call for pricing
93 Octane: Call for pricing
94+ Octane: Call for pricing
ValvTect: No


Comments: Call
Last Fuel Update: 11/11/24


110 Volts: Yes
220 Volts: Yes



Water: Yes
WiFi: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Ice: Yes
Pet Friendly: Yes


480 dry dock storage facility with month to month and annual contracts.