Cedar Hill Marina and Park



+1 (410) 548-4870

Bivalve, MD | N 38° 18.619' / W 075° 53.332'

20945 Harbor View Road

Bivalve, MD 21814

Body of Water

Nanticoke River


Chuck Poole

Management Company

Wicomico County

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Marina Login

Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Cedar Hill Marina and Park

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
A is a magnetic device that shows which direction the boat is pointing.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 40 ft.
Total Slips: 140
Transient Slips: 3
Dock Type: Floating

Dock Rates

Call for rates and availability.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Daily: $20.00 flat rate
Payment Methods: VISA / MasterCard


30 Amps: Yes



Water: Yes
Pumpout: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes


State park marina. Latitude -75.88709899999998  /  Longitude 38.310851