Curtis Merritt Harbour



+1 (757) 336-6519

Chincoteague, VA | N 37° 54.178' / W 075° 24.312'

2246 Curtis Merritt Harbor Dr

Chincoteague, VA 23336

Body of Water

Chincoteague Bay

Management Company

City of Chincoteague

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Curtis Merritt Harbour

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A life preserver or PFD is formally referred to as a Personal Device.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 50 ft.
Total Slips: 85
Transient Slips: 1
Dock Type: Fixed & Floating

Dock Rates

Call for rates and availability. May be opportunities for short-term sublease of slips through the Town.

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Payment Methods: VISA / MasterCard


Diesel Price


Gas Price


Non-Ethanol: Yes


Comments: Call for pricing. Off Road Diesel
Last Fuel Update: Never


The Harbor is on the southwest end of Chincoteague Island in Accomack County.

Boat launching facilities are located within the Curtis Merritt Harbor of Refuge. The Harbor is located at the southern end of the Island off Main Street. The Town leases 25?, 30?, 40?, and 50? slips. There is a waiting list for slips. However, when leaseholders are not using their slip, there may be opportunities for short-term sublease of slips through the Town. You may contact the Town and leave a message for the Harbormaster concerning subleasing. The Town Dock is located on Main Street across from the firehouse behind the American legion building. The Eastside Boat Ramp is located on Eastside Road, and Fir Landing is located on Fir Landing Road off of Deep Hole Road. A fee of $20.00 is charged for an annual boat launch permit which is valid from April 15 of each year to April 14 of the following year. A temporary pass valid for seven consecutive days from purchase is available for $5.00. The decal or pass may be purchased from the Town Office or the Curtis Merritt Harbor of Refuge.  The Police Department also sells decals when the Town Office is closed; evenings, weekends and holidays.

4 fuel pumps at the CMH fuel dock dispensing 3 different products. The capacities of each product are as follows; Regular Unleaded – 2,000 gal.  Non-Ethanol Unleaded – 2,000 gal. Off Road Diesel – 6,000 gal. 

Marina, diesel, gas, ship store, boat ramp