Manatee Pocket Mooring Field Facility



+1 (772) 320-3144


Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:30PM Monday-Friday

Stuart, FL | N 27° 08.951' / W 080° 11.720'

4358 SE Bayview Street

Stuart, FL 34997

Body of Water

St Lucie River


Daniel Friedman

Parks Administrator

Mike Huskin

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Marina Login

Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Manatee Pocket Mooring Field Facility

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
A is a magnetic device that shows which direction the boat is pointing.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 40 ft.
Dock Type: Floating
Approach / Dockside Depth: 6.0 / 3.0 ft.
Tide Range: 3.0 ft.

Dock Rates

Call ahead to confirm as prices are always subject to change

Daily: $30.00 flat rate
Weekly: $180.00 flat rate
Monthly: $400.00 flat rate
Moorings Offered: Yes , 42 moorings
Daily: $30.00
Weekly: $185.00
Monthly: $400.00
Payment Methods: VISA / MasterCard / Discover / AMEX


Pumpout: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: No
Pet Friendly: Yes
Coin Laundry: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Grocery: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Restaurant: onsite
Liquor store: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Marine Store: offsite ; 0.50 miles
Hotel: offsite ; 1.00 miles
Beach: offsite ; 8.00 miles


The Manatee Pocket Mooring Field is a 42-vessel mooring facility at an average depth between 5 and 7 feet at mean lower low tide, located in the Manatee Pocket at 4358 SE Bayview St., Stuart, Florida. This facility features moorings constructed of high-quality steel helix anchors coupled with Helmken "StormSoft" upline buoy systems designed to accommodate vessels up to 40 ft. at the North Field and up to 30 ft. at the South Field. To make a reservation, go to Select "Make a Reservation" to proceed with the reservation of a buoy. A confirmation will be emailed to you with reservation details and the access code for upland amenities. Be prepared to provide the following information: insurance name, policy number, policy limits, expiration date, boat registration number, phone number, email address, the vessel's length, width (beam), draft, and name. If you need help with your reservation, please call (772) 320-3144 or email

An upland private facility is being built that will have four restrooms and showers. Presently, a 3-stall restroom trailer with air conditioning has been setup to accommodate our guest needs until the permanent building is finished.