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Florida East Coast Railroad Bridge, Stuart
- Mile Marker: 7.4
- Lat / Lon: N 27° 12.220' / W 080° 15.607'
- Bridge Type: Bascule
- Vertical Clearance (Closed): 7.00 ft.
- Horizontal Clearance: 50.00 ft.
- Schedule:
The U.S. Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation to drawbridge operation regulations, 33 CFR 117.317(c), that governs the FEC Stuart Railroad Bridge, across the Okeechobee Waterway (St. Lucie River), mile 7.4, and 33 CFR 117.317(d) that governs the NW Dixie Hwy Bridge across the Okeechobee Waterway (St. Lucie River), mile 7.5, at Stuart, Florida.
Railway activity is anticipated to significantly increase across the FEC Stuart Railroad Bridge. The Coast Guard feels the current drawbridge operation regulation will not meet the reasonable needs of navigation as it does not allow for a predictable operating schedule. This temporary deviation will test a change to the drawbridge operation schedule to determine if the reasonable needs of navigation are preserved while taking into consideration other modes of transportation. We view public participation essential and will consider all comments and material received during the comment period which ends August 4, 2023. You may submit comments identified by docket number USCG-2022-0222 using Federal Decision-Making Portal at Additional information is provided in the online document, Please read.
Under this temporary deviation, the FEC Stuart Railroad Bridge shall operate as follows from 12:01 a.m. on June 21, 2023, through 11:59 p.m. on December 17, 2023:
1. Open on signal at the quarter and three-quarter hour and remain open until all vessels requiring or requesting an opening have cleared, except any open period shall not exceed 15 minutes.
2. If a train is in the track circuit at the designated opening time, the opening may be delayed up to but not exceed five minutes. Once the train has cleared the track circuit, the bridge must open immediately, if requested, and remain open until all vessels requiring an opening have cleared, except any open period shall not exceed 15 minutes.
The NW Dixie Hwy Bridge shall open on signal; except when the adjacent FEC Railroad Bridge is in the closed position, the draw need not open. The draw must open immediately upon opening of the railroad bridge to pass all accumulated vessels which require an opening. This temporary deviation is effective from 12:01 a.m. on June 21, 2023, through 11:59 p.m. on December 17, 2023.
If you have questions on this rulemaking, call or e-mail Ms. Jennifer Zercher, Bridge Management Specialist, Seventh Coast Guard District, telephone 305-415-6740, email
Editor's Note: Bridge schedules are subject to temporary change due to repairs, maintenance, events, etc. Check the Waterway Explorer for possible nav alerts.
3 Boater Comments
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Comment by: Dbg8492 on Aug 4, 2023
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 39'
Draft: 3.5'There is a current notice that the bridge opens on signal instead of being always open. in spite of that alert, this morning the bridge was open and a work barge was there - workers were welding on the span. The Old Roosevelt Bridge WAS working on signal and the tender was very helpful.
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Comment by: Holly B on May 29, 2021
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 25'
Draft: 1.5'Omg that smells like lawsuit - unacceptable!
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Comment by: David Pimentel, Sun Goddess , on Mar 18, 2021
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 50'
Draft: 5.6'Be very careful with this bridge because even if it’s unmanned and automatic often times they manually activate the bridge for some reason despite the fact that no train is coming. On 03/17/2021 at 12:00 while the draw bridge was open and traffic going thru suddenly and without warning this bridge was brought down as I was passing by on my sailboat. Obviously the mast could not clear the opening anymore and got caught in the lowering bridge snapping the mast in half and bringing all the rigging down. Luckily for me my boat had a hard bimini and a solar panels arch that took all the force of the impact of the mast when it fell down, otherwise I am sure it would have fallen right on top of my head. Our boat has sustained very extensive and serious damage that requires us to take it off the water immediately. Been full time liveaboards this will add up to aftermath of the accident. Another important fact to consider is that the draw bridge which is manned has no communication or control whatsoever of the railroad bridge. That means that even if the draw bridge opens and has give you the authorization to go thru, the railroad bridge can still be activated and brought down which is exactly what happened in my case.
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