Emerson Point Anchorage West
- Location: Manatee River
- Mile Marker: 93
- Lat / Lon: N 27° 31.907' / W 082° 38.239'
- Depth: 6
- Tide: 2.5
- Description:
This anchorage is just off the GIWW on the north side of the Manatee River. There is good wind protection from the northwest to the northeast. Sand bottom with good holding (anchor came up clean). Anchored in 8.5' of water at mid-tide. The tide was to go up 1.2' to reach 2.3' at high tide. Tide was to go down 1.37' to reach 0.37' at low tide. Anchorage is exposed to wakes from boats on the Manatee River. There appears to be dingy access to shore. This is a good anchorage when transiting the GICW.
Good holding with sand bottom.
Shore Access:
There appears to be places to beach the dingy on sandy places along the shore.