Richland Creek
- Location: Tennessee River
- Mile Marker: 88.3 RDB
- Lat / Lon: N 36° 10.097' / W 087° 53.988'
- Depth: 10+
- Description:
16 Oct 23 Sam at on a training trip with a 430 Mainship with a 3' 8" draft. Chose this spot since we ran out of daylight on a run from the Ohio River. Sound your way in carefully. Dropped near the icon in 11' at 36°10.084'N • 87°54.007'W No current, no wakes from tows. Winds out of NNW at 7. Peaceful night sleeping - did not budge. Anchor came up clean. Left at dawn. Good T-Mobile and Verizon service. Sam from WhatYachtToDo 😎
Note: Lake Elevation 354.95.
Wind Protection:
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
Scenic Beauty:
Shore Access:
Did not use
Cell Service: