Lake Montauk
- Location: Long Island Sound
- Lat / Lon: N 41° 04.110' / W 071° 55.330'
- Depth: 7-8 ft
- Description:
In the main channel east of Star Island buoys must be followed carefully to clear the shoal (2- to 6-foot MLW depths) extending southwest from the eastern shore. After the last marina pier and pile you must turn sharply to starboard to be sure not to miss the channel. Missing the green buoy may result in a tow off the shoal. The channel to the southeast part of the lake is clearly outlined with town markers. The channel moves to red 14 and green 13 mid-lake before you turn southeast.
Fair, Mud, Grass
Wind Protection:
All around
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
All around
Scenic Beauty:
Ease of Shopping:
Shore Access:
Local marinas usually do not mind accommodating your dinghy, and some provisions are available.You may pull your dinghy on the sides of the beach in the southeast corner of the Lake to access basic heads or to walk to Ditch Plains or the bus stop.
Pet Friendly:
Cell Service: