Stonington Inner Breakwater
- Location: Fishers Island Sound
- Mile Marker: Stonington Hbr
- Lat / Lon: N 41° 19.660' / W 071° 54.970'
- Depth: 11-13 ft
- Description:
There is little anchorage room available behind the inner breakwater (westerly side of the channel) due to moorings. For launch service throughout the harbor (for a fee), call Dodson Boatyard LaunchA (VHF Channel 78) for a pick-up. Pumpout service is also available (free of charge) with a call to Westerly Pump-out on VHF Channel 09. (Ask at Dodsons about the pump-out boat availability in Stonington.)
Good, Mud, Grass
Wind Protection:
Open and exposed SE
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
Open and exposed SE
Scenic Beauty:
Ease of Shopping:
Shore Access:
Cell Service: