Herring Bay
- Location: Chesapeake Bay
- Mile Marker: Mile 67.6-5.5 Miles West
- Lat / Lon: N 38° 44.506' / W 076° 33.128'
- Depth: 10-12 Feet
- Description: Known locally as the "Swimming Hole" this is popular day anchorage. Some boats do stay over night. Open to cooling breeze but but it can be rolly. Verizon signal is strong. Some boat wakes. The beach at the foot of the cliffs is private but pet convenience landings are common. Note the beach is very shallow and you may have to walk the dinghy in the last 100-200 feet.
Good, Sand
Wind Protection:
Exposed Northeast through Southeast
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
Exposed Northeast through Southeast
Scenic Beauty:
Ease of Shopping:
Shore Access:
Cell Service: