Fernandez Bay
- Location: Cat Island
- Lat / Lon: N 24° 19.265' / W 075° 28.455'
- Depth: 7'-11'
- Tide: 2.5'-3.75'
- Description:
Fernandez Bay is a small indent in the shoreline, north of Bone Fish Point and is the site of a small resort development.
There is a small anchorage on the north end of the bay that offers good holding and reasonable protection from winds NNE-SSE. The bay shallows quickly on the north end and appears larger than it is but there is only room for 4-5 vessels. The bay is wide open to the west and would become untenable in a west wind over 20 knots. Boaters are welcome to go ashore at the restaurant in the resort.
Good, Sand
Wind Protection:
Protected from all but West
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
Protected from all but West
Scenic Beauty:
Ease of Shopping:
Shore Access:
Pet Friendly:
Cell Service: